Guotai Road 127 Longfudan Science Park Building 1 Building 5, Yangpu
Shanghai China.

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Marketing on WeChat

How to set up a WeChat Official Account

Step 1: Visit the WeChat Official Website

Wechat registration page

Step 2: Choose Between a Service or Subscription Account

Wechat different types of account

Step 3: Create a User Account

Step 4: Select Mainland China as Your Region

Step 5: Enter Your Organization Details

WeChat open official account organization information

Step 6: Select an Authentication Method

Step 7: Fill In Your WeChat Profile Information

Step 8: Verify Your Account

Wechat official account set-up

Step 9: Add Operators

Step 10: Configure Your Account